Category Archives: Hypnosis

How Do You Plan to Feel?

How Do You Plan to Feel?

Do Feelings Affect Outcomes? Of course, they do. Do you find yourself worrying about negative outcomes? Would you like to anticipate positive outcomes, instead? Ask yourself this question: How Do You Want to Feel About Outcomes? Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis to help people relax and focus, then manifest positive thoughts and positive outcomes,… Continue Reading

Hypnosis For Performance And Test Anxiety

Hypnosis For Performance And Test Anxiety

Hypnosis may be able to help with your performance anxiety during exams, public speaking, or even help you with sports Introduction: What is Hypnosis? The History of Hypnosis. How does it work? Hypnosis is a state of consciousness that allows for greater suggestibility. It can be induced by a hypnotist’s suggestions, and such a state… Continue Reading

Overcome Your Fear of Heights

Overcome Your Fear of Heights

How to Overcome a Fear of Heights with Hypnotherapy Fear of heights (Acrophobia) is a natural survival instinct. It is a feeling response to the sensation of height. It is normal to have it but it can also be debilitating when the feelings trigger stress and anxiety. Fear of heights is a fairly common phobia… Continue Reading

Fearful Thoughts and Feelings

Fearful Thoughts and Feelings

How to Deal with Fearful Thoughts and Feelings Fearful thoughts and feelings are a very common problem for many people. But there are ways to deal with them in healthy ways such as Hypnotherapy. Hypnosis can help you accept that these thoughts will happen. You can’t stop them from coming but you can still be… Continue Reading

No Need to Weight

No Need to Weight

Do you know what Mindless eating is? How about Mindful eating? The two are very different.   You may not be aware that most overweight people don’t even enjoy most of the food that they consume? We want you to enjoy your food and be conscious of what you’re eating. Continue Reading

Counting Sheep…Or Getting Sleep?

Counting Sheep…Or Getting Sleep?

Are you one of the one-third of Americans that get less than six hours of sleep each night? The last year has been stressful for many of us. Being sequestered in a confined setting had been a new experience for so many people, as many parents were not prepared to homeschool their children, let alone… Continue Reading

The Present is a Gift

The Present is a Gift

Life can be viewed in a variety of ways. Forward, backward, up, down, and sideways. Alternatively, we may wish to reflect on past events or what may occur in the future. Those are all healthy, important, and can be extremely satisfying thoughts. Certainly, we must plan for the future. The majority of us would like… Continue Reading